Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Look into my eyes, feel yourself relaxing

Look into my eyes teehee

Media victims

Type some technical solutions mimic those of the in Central and South America used the media to use. Where is the press, which is carefully monitored by the intelligence and national security agencies who do not abuse their power; Media is a popular way to discredit the victims of mind control that shows the mentally ill with schizophrenia them. While an order from public bodies about the physical and psychological terror, mock, and ridicule those who support it.

Just a few thoughts

The media not only fails to inform the public about violence become and harassment, but also helps them to be. I know many victims of mind control as the and symbols used on the one hand, to make known the cause of the victim under surveillance, on the other hand, and discredit them. This encoded and read between the lines of a normal means of diplomacy and intelligence, while the average citizen was skeptical, laughing and taunting.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Certainly cool circle to hypnotize someone (your friend)

The tool of mind control and domination that the technology has been easy to hypnotize your friend developed primarily as a tool for the exercise of power. The society of the reach of government spending billions of dollars have been spent, and this technology is still in development and improvement. Other technologies, such as when it is created, start the mass, become cheaper and therefore spread. Today, not only public agencies have the technology hypnotize your friend, but also a variety of private-led, usually criminal groups. Some military experts directly in connection with the invention of the atomic bomb, and a significant risk in heaven weapons already available microwave massive influence. Such weapons in the competition is in spite of the cold war has ended. But these weapons against the inhabitants of a country hypnotize your friend is to develop, test and implementation. To that extent, even in the menacing threat also because of nuclear weapons on the territory of the country by the people, shall not apply. In contrast, the secret weapons of mind control and grow without any control.
The real motivation is, of course your friend in a trance, not to be confused with the purposes referred to misinformation official explanation. Today, the main reason for the fight against terrorism and terrorists and pedophiles and other criminal elements for the detection and arrest. If arms control tech savvy, you should bear in mind that this clinical inductions is primarily a domestic public against guns because implicitly applied to the necessarily life depreciation, enough to achieve the conversion free citizens, as Therefore the control of these days to hypnotize someone. The vast majority of people still believe that the government is not yet available, the possibility that large-scale mind control as well. Furthermore hypnotize friend step by step, I cannot imagine that there may be power groups that are ready for this morally and legally have the opportunity.

Easy to learn to hypnotize someone

The current practice of manipulation of consciousness we tech how to hypnotize someone. This can be done in places such as the home goal and has kept most of their intellectual and spiritual activities, whole. The distinction between the mind control is performed in the usual crime and is considered as a legitimate social conditioning learn how to hypnotize someone. The offense is a normal sexual relationship for volunteering to replace violence. The mind is a form of manipulation, when the public spaces used by operators ask how to hypnotize someone harass the target. This could be on the way, the Internet, electronic and print media. The management should be on the radar of even a random person. This happens through the mind control, when regular monitoring and harassment in connection with the acquisition of personal information hypnotize someone..
The aim should be total a person learn to hypnotize someone. be placed under surveillance, and the conscience of the information used to influence attitudes and behavior.
Monitoring devices in tapping phones, homes and cars placed audiovisual, and the Internet by monitoring, for the more advanced observations hypnotize someone. Ultra-sensitive detection of electromagnetic systems, electronics, analyzing the spread, including human implants body, for - without his consent - implantation. The stimulation target the use of harassing phone calls, surveillance of the street, rumors distribution how to hypnotize someone step by step of electric light manipulation, Internet disruption messages from microwaves and acoustic weapons development of electronic and print media loaded messages, voice, whatever the target sounds and direct brain stimulation.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Woman brought in trance by anyone

Woman in trance

I hypnotized someone this week and they liked it

The deprivation of REM sleep for a week after the change orders can be planted after hypnosis. For example, a "script" to be broadcast, is not expected to induce strange behavior. It is usually of a nature, and other anti-social behavior such legislation. These actions are accompanied by feelings of shame will use the NSA then humiliate a person and reduce self-esteem. If you reduce the self-discipline and self-confidence, you will be more dependent on God's grace and mercy. This allows the NSA to effectively blackmail, or defame any person who found the NSA in the meantime, his knowledge of the NSA against him with the procedure hypnotized someone.
Whether the NSA researchers about law enforcement and other law enforcement agencies are usually used by non-physiological phenomena documented behavior of some people blank to remain anonymous. The NSA also known to help the experimental subjects to escape the legal procedures in order to earn their loyalty. Another purpose hypnotized someone of this procedure is that the power to create and the power of taxable even if the NSA is responsible for ensuring that the behavioral changes of individuals have occurred that resulted in a conflict situation hypnotized someone.
Common practice of hypnotized someone NSA belong to a post-hypnotic placed on issues that they know clearly mentioned in the Bible. The person should be punished with negative reinforcement for anything referred to in the Bible. This could be supported by the "word of God" in reality. When the NSA does not follow the usual biblical references, most of the awareness of the individual, or do not recognize the differences and hypnotized someone contradictions, or incapable of proper analysis. It happens also with some other way to find a certificate for an event in order to gain peace of mind attributed to God. This element of the NSA, the direction of the process will increase the individual's sense of fear and tension, which is "God's all-seeing permanent observation" of origin. "No one can refuse obedience to God (e.g., NASA)."
Paranoia and the NSA
The paranoid delusions of persecution or insanity, mental functioning, it was a logical fallacy does not affect the system. Most people who suffer from this or any other relevant applicable illusions, and behave accordingly. The obsession among others differs from that of the sick person usually know that they acted under duress, coercion simply can not get rid of. These include excessive formality people who are forced to constantly control everything, or hypochondriac who always kept an external or internal influence that causes the disease. The phobic delusions are common when someone irrationally afraid of the dark, closed elevator, high-altitude flight or, different from other animals. One of the most known when someone is almost panicked when looking down from the top of a skyscraper.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hypnotize wild animals in jungle

Animal hypnosis

The second stage of behavioral change hypnotize animals. At this stage, most of the research topic is already manipulated by "God" (ie, managers) to serve and follow. If the person accepts and religious control, the NSA reinforces the commitment of the person to Jesus, and for the moment closed the file. Such short program with minimum investment offers the greatest benefit with the least risk to the. In these cases, use the so-called coincidence (coincidence) is that the experimental subjects had the impression that supernatural hypnotize animals events begin to take them. The post-hypnotic commands and preliminary information prepared by the combination of the target. NSA Information System discovered by information suggesting that the subjects 'God' or being noticed. A specific example illustrating this place: information system has been informed that the person visiting the church the sermon topic. The information hypnotize animals obtained through electronic media, which was placed in the church. The then placed in the person's mind after a hypnotic command, which is expected to rise, when the subject is moving, before the march to the church, which will only hear a sermon. When the test person can hear the sermon seems to apply directly to the sermon, and it shows and mysterious ability of God innermost thoughts of a man can be hypnotize animals. This is especially effective when the person tested is not shared with anyone inside the swirling thoughts.
Another typical method of should trance be used when the subject is a favorite of some tragic event happens. This usually starts with learned through electronic trance surveillance that the goal is a close relative injured or killed. Then the person after hypnosis mind gets scared, anxious feelings, and consciously directed towards a specific person. Then, when the experimental subjects eventually realized the tragic incident, they believe that special ability handshake induction, empathy, provided, or God, or other extraterrestrial beings came into contact with him.
The specific role of REM sleep
The purpose of the mind control often taken control of sleep REM (Rapid Eye Movement - accompanied by rapid eye movement) sleep and in this case limited to one or two cycles per night. This implies that the test subjects during the day and is repeatedly sleep briefly. REM sleep is the reduction or withdrawal of the suspension of short-term memory function, concentration, the ability to touch, speaking skills, logic and willpower. Protein synthesis is inhibited and this also reduces the healing ability of physical harm to the subject or after exhausting tasks. Therefore, the state of health deteriorates, weakening the school or work performance, and social ties loosened. The NSA can influence the number of ways of sleep REM. Hypnosis after "scenarios" placed on the person's head during light sleep, muscle tension in different combinations, and computer implants cyclical transmission. The topics hypnotize animals are usually insomnia, restless sleep, waking hours complaining. Just one hour passes after going to bed, when you wake up, do not go back to sleep, and not remember their dreams. Recurrent suicidal hypnotize animals thoughts returned complaining and numbness. Weary days, I do not remember their names, and consume more and more caffeine. Dark circles appear. The only slight degradation observed symptoms making it difficult to detect the issues of REM-sleep related problems. When REM sleep deprivation and a progressive post-hypnotic command followed by the test subject will feel refreshed and energized, then the person will not be able to recognize a sleep deprivation REM hypnotize animals. You can even hypnotize you cannot see the person in the deep dark circles around the eyes.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Step by step suggestions on how to hypnotize anyone

At this stage, a very harsh process and the methods used for two to five years in duration how to hypnotize someone step by step. The suffering of sufficient severity of the target is not able to continue a normal life driving, and usually needs placement institute or community that cannot be left alone. The test subject is often open mind for trance compared to a less demanding environment, such as a church. The experimental subjects who receive such programs are usually very suspicious and easily excitable. Excited state, but if there is objective evidence that contradicts their beliefs and their rules in their system. These people tend to believe in demons how to hypnotize someone step by step, ghosts, God, or the gods of the various spiritual beings reality. We are convinced that the spiritual world is much bigger and more important than empirical how to hypnotize someone step by step, material nature, realistic world. This is the third type of program for REM sleep removal from, starting with self-esteem and confidence is breaking intensive several steps when hypnotizing, the artificial expansion of consciousness in a spiritual relationship building, repeated "re-birth of Jesus Christ"  he said and asked how to hypnotize someone step by step, mental, spiritual struggle, and the Savior for the release, and then finding himself in the spirit of the blessing of Jesus Christ. Since this is a multi-step, the seeks to omit some of the steps out of it, or otherwise shorten them, because this is by reducing the security risks, on the other hand, the costs associated with programming how to hypnotize someone step by step.
Drug and alcohol dependence by increasing
When growing in sleep deprivation REM induce trance state quickly and easily, the test object is increasingly dependent on stimulants of the central nervous system to help compensate for the lack of sleep, and can recover the workplace, at school, and maintaining personal relationships. This is beneficial in many respects to the but "how to" remains the question. The central nervous system stimulants increase the test person suggestibility. This means that post-hypnotic commands are more efficient and more difficult for the subject's pulse commands generated by the resist.
The drugs, adjusting stress, in combination with the newly installed post-hypnotic commands resistance to plunge further objective of emotional collapse several steps when hypnotizing. If you use illegal drugs, the will ensure that one person noticed by the authorities, and scorned. Who would believe after drug recipients who claims to be a government agency harassed and tormented by hypnosis. The drug is also suitable for this NSA to help enhance feelings of shame of the person when the mind control program to the next phase of increased awareness.
Alcohol, anesthetics and other drugs also inhibit REM-sleep and increases the types of experimental excitability individual. Thereby further humiliate how to hypnotize someone step by step and isolation. So take advantage of someone, if the target lacks REM sleep medications answered. This devalues the individual may be classified as drug users, and medication increases the effectiveness of implanted after hypnotic command how to hypnotize someone step by step. This is, as already mentioned, increases the feeling of shame how to hypnotize someone step by step, which can later be used as "punishment of God." In fact, the issue is not guilty of anything, except that an attempt to suffer a public state institution trying to perform the well-paid, highly skilled master teaching with step by step instructions.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Curious ideas, how to hypnotize John step by step

Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists hypnotize John step by step generally misdiagnosed in electronic mind manipulation targeted, and very expensive, time consuming and ineffective treatment. The patient with abnormal symptoms due to the fact that hypnosis is not due to biological, chemical or causes environmental hypnotize John step by step impacts. The misleading diagnosis will be forced to study subjects had symptoms do not talk about others and thus avoid the hassle that 'schizophrenia', 'paranoid' and qualify to receive additional psychological burden it. The pilot of isolation and the dates of the person from talking to others about their experiences, significantly reduces the risk of security. The should take care to separate the individual test will come in contact with people who are already familiar hypnotize step by step with this mind-altering program. If these persons share knowledge and experiences, you can assemble a set of information, which can be in the picture, and this can lead to a tightly kept secret mind control activities in.
Artificial paranoia led to believe under the experimental subject, neighbors or colleagues, or family members of a conspiracy hypnotize step by step against him. All this in a series of suspected "script" transmission implanted in the mind of the individual. The situation is further complicated when the under the control of another person can hypnotize step by step also be used to target the experimental subjects conspiracy, and further strengthen the fear. The technique is further supported by the isolation of the target, we hypnotize have confidence in the superior again, you get more anxious and hostile feelings towards colleagues who planted it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Suggestions to use in alfa state

Commonly used in the attachment, which makes it particularly worries the goal alfa state, and thus maintain a constant voltage alfa state of mind. Anyone know what it could to try to think of something other than what they want to monitor offender brainwaves. The "zap» gal (electro-magnetic radiation to the brain ) to be reckoned with, but it is only with great effort can be achieved in order to not think want to think. Administrators are extremely beneficial to "hear" the silent person in question innermost thoughts, like talking loudly. It is able to interfere in the internal mental goal speechless, respectively alfa state brainwaves, to instruct and warn the politically correct word to use. It is very tiring to think that such a always be expected.
The reflection process technology exists to intervene, but the transmission system are also intended that this kind of intervention magical Let's get the person to read his thoughts suggestions. These techniques are mostly tested without the knowledge and consent of American citizens. The "magician" is the limit for the first time during the "position" of the victim's mind a thought, and later the same mage «reveals" that the victim is what you mean. It is telling to read the thoughts of the victim, and seeing this "evidence", he believes sugegstions. This is desperation, anger and fear trigger, which further suggestions interfere with the mind of the victim.
The observed person psychological hypnotize someone easily techniques developed to assess the prognosis of the expected behavior of the additional opportunities for seduce their victims: be able to read their minds. These methods are based on sound engineering skull to relay device operation for a certain period of time. First, do not hesitate to hypnotize the victim to think about the 'blue violet. "Then, one song can radiate to the head, which I will do from this point is that not only you remember. Currently used for cloning technology to hypnotize someone the voice, mimicking the sound of your target message forward in the head. Another technique is when the words and phrases that are transmitted to the brain of the victim, which in the direction desired by the managers want to deflect thoughts and actions of the victim's words and then introduced into the associative memory to activate and complete the process hypnotize someone. All this "amazing power" may be reinforced by the "magician" of the victim read the e-mail message list and put them in the right place that can happen several times in the magic word, "blue-violet".