Sunday, October 21, 2012

Certainly cool circle to hypnotize someone (your friend)

The tool of mind control and domination that the technology has been easy to hypnotize your friend developed primarily as a tool for the exercise of power. The society of the reach of government spending billions of dollars have been spent, and this technology is still in development and improvement. Other technologies, such as when it is created, start the mass, become cheaper and therefore spread. Today, not only public agencies have the technology hypnotize your friend, but also a variety of private-led, usually criminal groups. Some military experts directly in connection with the invention of the atomic bomb, and a significant risk in heaven weapons already available microwave massive influence. Such weapons in the competition is in spite of the cold war has ended. But these weapons against the inhabitants of a country hypnotize your friend is to develop, test and implementation. To that extent, even in the menacing threat also because of nuclear weapons on the territory of the country by the people, shall not apply. In contrast, the secret weapons of mind control and grow without any control.
The real motivation is, of course your friend in a trance, not to be confused with the purposes referred to misinformation official explanation. Today, the main reason for the fight against terrorism and terrorists and pedophiles and other criminal elements for the detection and arrest. If arms control tech savvy, you should bear in mind that this clinical inductions is primarily a domestic public against guns because implicitly applied to the necessarily life depreciation, enough to achieve the conversion free citizens, as Therefore the control of these days to hypnotize someone. The vast majority of people still believe that the government is not yet available, the possibility that large-scale mind control as well. Furthermore hypnotize friend step by step, I cannot imagine that there may be power groups that are ready for this morally and legally have the opportunity.

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